Sukkah 25

The Gemara states that a woman can only be divorced through writing, not by the husband giving his wife money and stating that the money should effect the divorce. The Torah states in the Tochachah, the rebuke that Moshe delivered to the Jewish People, that the Jewish People will be sold to Egypt and there will be no willing buyers. HaShem is forewarning the Jewish People that he will return them ‘to their roots,’ i.e. Egypt, indicating that He wishes to divorce Himself from them, but there will be no one interested in purchasing the Jewish People. This is because a divorce cannot be effected through money. Only HaShem’s word can distance us from Him, and even then the prophet declares that HaShem never delivered a bill of divorce to the Jewish People. This idea demonstrates the great love that HaShem has for His Chosen Nation.

The Gemara discusses the halacha of oseik bimitzvah patur min hamitzvah, one who is engaged in the performance of one mitzvah is exempt from performing another mitzvah. The question is raised with regard to Avraham Avinu who was receiving the Shechinah after he had been circumcised. When the angels came to visit him, Avraham left the Shechinah and went to attend to the guests. Why did Avraham not employ the principle of one who is engaged in one mitzvah, i.e. receiving the Shechinah, is exempt from performing another mitzvah, i.e. hosting the guests?

I heard from Rav Chaim Uri Freund Shlita that Rav Noach Weinberg zt”l asked this questions and Rav Noach suggested that when Avraham was engaged in receiving the Shechinah, he then became aware of the necessity of performing the mitzvah of greeting guests. It is noteworthy that the Gemara in Shabbos states that we derive from Avraham Avinu the principle that receiving guests is greater than receiving the Shechinah. The Gemara should have challenged this principle based on the idea that one who is engaged in one mitzvah is exempt from other mitzvos. The mitzvah of receiving the Shechinah appears to be the mitzvah of uledavka bo, one is obligated to cleave to HaShem. According to the Netziv in Heemek Davar, Avraham was engaged in loving HaShem and receiving the Shechinah, and he was performing the mitzvah of loving HaShem. The Netziv writes that when one is engaged in the mitzvah of loving HaShem, he is obligated to interrupt his thoughts and perform another mitzvah, because the mitzvah of loving HaShem has no time frame. This, the Netziv writes, is the meaning of the Gemara in Shabbos that states that hosting guests is greater than receiving the Shechinah. This means that the action of hosting guests overrides the mitzvah of loving HaShem which has no time frame (see Netziv further). Receiving guests can be a number of mitzvos, such as gemilus chasadim, performing an act of loving-kindness (Netziv) or even vehalachta bedrachav, one should emulate HaShem. Just as HaShem is compassionate, also you must be compassionate.

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