Monthly Archives: July 2012

Brachos 2

Welcome to Daf Drush, where I offer insights to the Daf in the Drush style. You are welcome to comment on what I write or ask questions and offer your own insights to the Daf.

The Gemara at the end of Niddah concludes with the statement that one who studies Halachos every day is assured of a share in the World to Come. Tosfos (Ibid 73a s.v. Tana) comments that because previously the Gemara was discussing Halachos, we conclude the Maseches with a positive statement regarding Halachos. Proof of this, Tosfos writes, is from the Gemara (Brachos 31a) that states that the early prophets concluded their prophecies with words of praise and comfort.

It is fitting that this week the Jewish People concluded Shas and began the new cycle of Daf Yomi, and this Shabbos is referred to as Shabbos Nachamu. On Tisha BaAv we read the verse in Eicha (1:8) that states חֵטְא חָטְאָה יְרוּשָׁלִַם, עַל-כֵּן לְנִידָה הָיָתָה, Jerusalem has sinned grievously, therefore she has become like a Niddah. This Shabbos we are comforted with the blessings and praise of the prophet. The parallel to this idea is that we conclude Maseches Niddah with the laws of impurity and we commence Maseches Brachos with the discussion of reciting Shema, which contains praises of HaShem